Survey of knowledge about Arques Clinic Have you recently visited our clinic? YesNo Did you know that? Did you know that we have a treatment with STEM CELLS for facial rejuvenation, cleavage or hands and to treat alopecia? YesNo Did you know that we have a special Fotona laser to remove all types of tattoos, even coloured ones? YesNo Did you know that we have won a world award for Fotona and other facial rejuvenation treatments? YesNo Did you know that we have the newest and 100% painless treatment for tummy tuck, fat loss and body flaccidity? It's called TS FOTONA (TightSculpting) YesNo Did you know that we have a new botulinum toxin with maximum duration? YesNo Did you know that we have an innovative, painless thread nose tip lift treatment? YesNo Did you know that we have a 3D camera to see the inside of your skin for a 100% personalised diagnosis? YesNo Did you know that we have treatments for Vaginal Rejuvenation and Anal Whitening with FOTONA, the world's number 1 technology? YesNo Did you know that we carry out treatments to moisturise and plump lips without hyaluronic acid? YesNo Did you know that we have an innovative treatment for neck rejuvenation called: "Arques Rejuvenation"? YesNo Did you know that we have treatments for Hypersweating and whitening of the armpits? YesNo Did you know that we have genetic analysis and treatments to rejuvenate the inside such as hormone rejuvenation to gain vitality, more mental clarity and combat insomnia among other benefits? YesNo I have read and accept the privacy policy