How to Stop Urinary Incontinence with Fotona Laser Treatment

How to Stop Urinary Incontinence with Fotona Laser Treatment

Knowing how to end urinary incontinence is a concern that affects more than one million women in Spain. Even though it is a dysfunction commonly linked to age and the onset of the menopause, it can affect one in three women from the age of 35.

Do you want to know what the best treatment is and how you can overcome this condition? In this article we explain how to end urinary incontinence and we provide you with details about the latest innovations that aesthetic medicine has to offer.

What is Urinary Incontinence?

Urinary incontinence is defined as the unintentional passing of urine through the urethra. Despite affecting all groups of the adult population and being a common issue for both genders, it occurs more frequently in women.

Stress incontinence: women who suffer from urinary incontinence linked to stress are unable to avoid leakage of urine when coughing, sneezing, doing exercise or during physical exertion.

Urge incontinence: those who suffer from urge incontinence feel a strong need to urinate but are unable to hold on until they get to the toilet resulting in a leak of urine which soaks clothes.

The Causes of Urinary Incontinence

Several causes can lead to urinary incontinence, although it is chiefly due to loss of elasticity in the pelvic cavity muscles. As a result, women who suffer from urinary incontinence will often have one (or more) of the following characteristics:

Consequences and Impact of Urinary Incontinence on Women’s Quality of Life

[/fusion_text][fusion_text]Although urinary incontinence does not pose a severe health risk, it is a disorder that can have a profound effect on women’s quality of life.

Leaks, the feeling of being soaked and the worry about odour can trigger issues relating to self-esteem and self-confidence, and can have an effect on social relations.

Nevertheless, despite its huge impact on quality of life, only 20% of people seek medical help. Women do not tend to see a GP about this issue; instead, they keep it to themselves for as long as possible either due to embarrassment or because they view it as something inevitable that also has no cure.

However, this is not the case!

Fortunately, there are now various methods available that will mean leaks of urine will be a thing of the past.

Treatments for Urinary Incontinence: Benefits and Drawbacks

How to end urinary incontinence

Modern medicine offers three procedures for combating this disorder, which we will examine now individually.

  1. Medication | Treatment with medication is one of the most widely used conservative options. Nevertheless, it does have a number of drawbacks. Firstly, it is necessary to keep up with treatment over a long period, leading to a greater risk of side effects from the chemical medicines taken. Secondly, many patients have a health profile that advises against the administration of this medication.
  2. Surgery | Although undergoing surgery may seem like the best solution, it is a procedure that is reserved for the most severe cases of incontinence. This is because it involves a preparatory examination, use of anaesthesia, a longer recovery period and a greater risk of complications, as with all surgery.
  3. Fotona Laser | The Fotona laser technique for treating urinary incontinence entails the application of a beam of light (the laser) which heats the vaginal walls and stimulates collagen neogenesis in the vagina to allow the female genitalia to naturally regain their original structure without the need for surgery or anaesthesia. In other words, it is a technique that seeks to increase the tone and firmness of the tissues treated leading to continued enhancement in the ability to hold urine. The Fotona laser is a painless, non-invasive, simple procedure that does not require post-operative care and allows women to resume their everyday lives straight away. Moreover, it does not require or involve any incisions, cuts, stitches or bleeding –unlike surgery– and no painkillers or antibiotics need to be taken after the procedure.
How many Fotona Laser Sessions are needed to Combat Urinary Incontinence?

The duration of the treatment depends on each woman and the condition of her pelvic muscles.

Therefore, before undergoing this or any other treatment we always recommend having an initial medical examination.

That said, generally speaking after three or four sessions the Fotona laser will manage to provide relief from mild or moderate urinary incontinence. A number of extra enhancement sessions may be needed in more severe cases.

Do you want permanent relief from urinary incontinence to allow you to regain your quality of life? Contact the Arques clinic and request your first free diagnosis session with one of our specialist physicians without delay. We look forward to seeing you!

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