
Abdominal Marking and Uncovered Tummies
▷ Abdominal Marking ▷ Abdominal Marking Marbella One of every 10 persons who appeal esthetics treatments does it because of the new fashion for selfies or the pressure of people’s comment on social networks. And the idea of having a marked abdomen really excite them, believe me! People, their opinions

Vitamins are the Great Allies in Life!
When I tell my patients to eat well it´s not just to feel better about themselves or lose weight if they need but I also recommend so they can add all the vitamins they need for their day to day routine.. Often we don,t realize that food is the fuel

As a Doctor, My Opinion is that Aesthetic Medicine is of no use
We seem to be caught up in an endless, heated debate about whether it is more important to take care of our physical or our mental health. The majority seem to agree that our mental health is the priority. Why is that? Disney films, which have such influence on our

There is Nothing Wrong with Investing Time and Money in Ourselves
When we become mums, we do everything for our children. For years, we only care about our children and we stop caring about ourselves. Why?, Well, because from the day that we are born, men and women alike have been taught to think that mothers have to be self-sacrificing and

Did you Know that Hyaluronic Acid is a Component in your Body?
Unsure if it’s due to its name which begins with the word “acid”, but the truth is I receive many consultations regarding hyalorunic acid and its application in the aesthetics industry, thus I would like to tell you a little about it. To begin with, I will let you know

Beauty After 50´s You´ve surely noticed cosmetic products are classified into age groups. As well as these articles the care you give your skin, hair, or nails has to be according to your age. After menopause, more attention must be paid to the changes taking place i the body,and therefore

How to Treat and Prevent Onychomycosis (Fungal Nails)
Cómo Tratar y Prevenir la Onicomicosis (Hongos en las Uñas de los Pies) 18% of the adult population suffers onychomycosis; Both men and women. As the chances of getting this annoying fungal infection in toenails increase with age, the prevalence of onychomycosis in patients over 70 years of age can

How to Stop Snoring without the need for Surgery
How to Stop Snoring without the need for Surgery Is there any way to stop snoring and eradicate the noise? 65% of men and 35% of women snore on a regular basis. Conventionally, the only solution to solve this bothersome night time noise was to undergo surgery or grin and

How to Stop Urinary Incontinence with Fotona Laser Treatment
How to Stop Urinary Incontinence with Fotona Laser Treatment Knowing how to end urinary incontinence is a concern that affects more than one million women in Spain. Even though it is a dysfunction commonly linked to age and the onset of the menopause, it can affect one in three women

We are the #FaB: the new Fiftyish Generation
Sooner or later, we reach an age where we are traditionally labelled ‘seniors’ or ‘late fiftysomethings’. I am about to turn 50 and I honestly do not feel identified with what those words mean at all. So, instead of being referred to as someone in my late fifties, I’d rather

Beauty is harmony, health and self love
Beauty is often related to frivolity or fashion… but I don’t agree with this definition. For me beauty is much more than what is said in the magazines or by the celebrities… It is a synonym of self love and self care, of wanting to improve and be in harmony